Friday, 24 August 2007

To release the pressure we need a holiday

Rose, HVAs volunteer organiser won the lyric competition of a few posts back. Genuinely impressed that Rose could identify a fairly obscure Elvis Costello song (Everyday I write the book) from the 1983 Punch the Clock album. Or so I thought, until I was told that Rose had simply 'Googled' the lyric: an act a little similar to Ben Johnson's 100 meters in the Seoul Olympics methinks. Must be stricter about the rules in future!! Still Rose does have a good taste in music so is let off just with a yellow card this time.

Madonna sings us out of the blog for the next couple of weeks. A final flurry of activity to ensure that I have done everything I need to do, that others know what they need to do when I am away and those who do not know what they are doing in the first place are left well alone. Blogging activity is now curtailed until my return.

Anyway to see and hear Elvis Costello sing Everyday I write the book simply click on this link

Blog Soon


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