Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Country Roads Take Me Home

See how the introductions to each blog entry are starting to resemble pop tunes? Anyway I don't often single out a community group for specific attention over all the others but I did want to say how much I welcome the formation of the Friends of Hastings Country Park. The country park is, in my humble opinion one of the greatest pieces of real estate in the world and my morning run with the dog takes me through woodland cliffs and some fantastic views. It is now looking for some friends Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve is a stunning area of sandstone cliff, heathland, meadows, gill woodland and farmland and recently became the largest local nature reserve to be declared in the last 20 years. Now regular users of the park and the visitors’ centre have formed the Friends of Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve group, to help with the day to day running, one-off conservation projects and long-term management of the country park. Further details available from http://www.wildhastings.org.uk/news
This mornings run was undertaken - in the slight drizzle - to the sounds of Living Through chemistry the first album from Norman Cook (aka Fatboy Slim). Funny thing is I used to hate Dance music until I started to run - maybe it really is music that you have to move to to appreciate. By the way if you want to see what kind of music I am listening too at any time of the day or night you can go to my LASTFM page at http://www.last.fm/user/eclecticsteve/

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