Friday, 10 August 2007

Nice feedback

Nice call from the coordinator of an advice service in East Sussex praising HVAs reponse to the consultation about proposed changes to the Councils grants policy. Basically the Council are looking towards stopping core grants and moving entirely to a commissioning approach - we have been here before methinks! Less than 3 years ago the Council undertook extensive consultation with local groups and decided that core funding was the way to go. So why the change. I guess a new broom political administration. Often what appears a simple and straightforward idea is often more complex than it might appear and this is the case with the Councils proposals. Even the biggest commissioning devotee would have to concede that the Councils approach is timid and required more thought. We hope that this issue will be given the time and attention it deserves as there are wider implications (like VAT liability) which can come into play. For anyone interested our response and the Councils proposals are on the website at we wait and see!!

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