Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Run to the Hills

The morning run was a bit damp - the heavens having seriously opened last night. I usually run to some reasonably gentle music but this morning my ipod was on "shuffle" mode which randomly throws up any album in the collection. So this morning we had the less than gentle 2004 comeback album from the Beastie Boys "Back to the 5 Boroughs". Three men with what the psychiatrists would probably call 'unresolved anger management issues'. A little bracing for a morning run methinks. So if I am little more 'hardcore' during the team meeting or during my frank exchange of views with Richard Peters (Hastings Borough Council) and Alison Horan (East Sussex County Council) where we review the HBC/ESCC/GOSE LAA funding debacle don't say you weren't warned!! Tomorrow we welcome 2 new employees to HVA - or rather the workers for another project who we are providing employment and payroll support for. Becoming an employer is a big step for a community organisation and we sometimes provide some support by taking on this role (tax, NI etc) whilst simultaneously helping the organisation develop their own policies and knowledge about this complex area. In this case the organisation is a local social enterprise distributing low cost fruit and veg as part of the national 5-a-day initiative.

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