Wednesday 24 October 2007

The Youth of Today

Today we begin with a short team meeting which covers all manner of topics from the staff away day, planning for the AGM and general catching up. I give a brief update on my work in France and the fact that we may be hosting a study visit in ’08. I sense from the team that a liaison visit to France conjours up visions of quaffing red wine and eating great food. If only they knew how far from the truth that was and refer the sceptics to my blog for the grusome details of the visit!!

Crucially, we are in the process of selecting the HVA quiz team for the inter-agency quiz which is held annually to bring together workers and agencies from across the Town. HVA are defending the title having won the event last year.

The Xmas dinner is also on the agenda reminding me how quickly this year has flown.

Onwards to facilitate a session with various partners to discuss the development of youth provision and a Youth Hub for the Town. This comes on the back of a number of meetings and discussions which were kicked off by the Youth Council who want to see some “state of the art” provision for young people as part of thee Towns regeneration. And why not. Unfortunately parts of the Local Authority have adopted an approach which at best does not treat the Youth Council’s ideas seriously and at worst is deeply patronising towards them. For myself, I have found them to be clear and articulate and maybe if a few more Youth Council members were actually Councillors then the Town would propably be better for it.

I usually use my early run with the dog to think through the day ahead. As I made my way over the Country park this morningI have to confess to not looking forward to my role as facilitator as previous discussions have been a bit mired in talk rather than action. But as the morning progresses I am pleasantly surprised as there is energy and a clear action plan which partners commit to. There is a model and some commitment to aligning work with young people and a sense of purpose which is good news. I take all the flip charts and 'post its' home to write up whilst it is fresh in my mind. Then onto the gym early evening and back to work to meet Matt a student whose dissertation I am supervising. Matt tells me - with his deadline for outline submission looming - that he works best under pressure. Tonight we shall see how right he is!

Anyway our lyric today is not, as you might have thought the Straight Edge Hardcore punk band from Cincinnatti (which would at least have some elements of street cred) but the rather cheesy and forgotton 80’s song from Musical Youth. For those don’t remember how awful they – and this video - were, get ready to cringe as you press the link and don’t say I didn’t warn you

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