Friday, 21 December 2007

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

In the words of Robert Falcon Scott - "it's getting really cold now so this may be my last message" as I am away for Christmas. A cool yule and a restive festive to everyone who reads this blog. I accepted a speaking engagement for january and the confirming letter contained the following:-

"It is good to speak to you yesterday and from your blog you are clearly a rennaisanse man"

Proves that someone reads it far as our sign of lyric reference is concerned check this out (bet Bing Corosby would be shitting himself if he were still alive)

See you in 2008


Anonymous said...

I thought a polymath would be able to spell (sorry to be such a PITA).
Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

Don't consider you to be a PITA(?) even though I don't actually know what one is. Anyway how could I insult someone who has written some of the most beautiful poetry in the English language. How you manage such a tremendous literary output and still have time to read my blog escapes me. That's is a true polymath!

Anonymous said...

I think you must be confusing me with someone else!
As to what a PITA is, see your post of 15 Nov.

Steve said...

Pita (also called and more commonly known as pitta or pita bread and pronounced "pitta" in Greek) is an often round, brown, wheat flatbread made with yeast.
Similar to other double-layered flat or pocket breads, pita is traditional in many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines. It is prevalent from North Africa through the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula to India and Afghanistan, coinciding with the spread of the Hellenistic world. The original pita is cooked flat without any rising. This type, known as the Greek pita, is the most well known and universal type; others include Indian pitas.

Anonymous said...

Now you're just being disingenuous!