Wednesday, 19 December 2007

The Goose is getting fat

Today I take off on the morning run with the dog as soon as it gets light. It is very verycold and one of those days where you have to 'hit the road' before your brain kicks into gear (if you thought about it too much you wouldn't do it).

I arrive at work and brief members of our Board on how the next financial year looks and some of the real uncertainties created by thre delayed Comprehensive Spending Review and the change from Neighbourhood Renewal to whatever funding stream will kick in after April 08. It is all very uncertain and the most frustrating thing is that there is not a lot we can do to reduce that uncertainty. A go upstairs to find a new computer waiting for me ready and waiting. This is good news as the old one simply died and was going so slowly I have had to work from home to send e-mails.

Onwards to the Christmas team meal at the Bridge Community Centre. It is a fairly rare occassion all being in the same place at the same time and makes me realise what a really nice group of people I work with. It is such a diverse group of personalities, backgrounds and outlooks but all the better for it. We have a pleasant meal and drift away in stages as some have meetings, others have work and a couple have elected to go Xmas shopping (don't know which is worse as the Town is packed at the moment). I decide that the blog will fall into disuse and not be read unless I get back to regular updates and am sitting here for a good catch up.

HVA's volunteer organiser made a request for a Led Zeppelin track so here is a classic track taken from their reunion comeback concert a few days ago - happy christmas Rose

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