Friday 2 November 2007

I am folded, and unfolded

A funny old day today starting with a run and a listen to the brilliant Beth Orton whose album Central Reservation had completely passed me by when it was released in the mid 90's. This was the purchase of the week £1 from the Mind shop in Eastbourne on my way to a hate crime meeting.

I attend a meeting of the group which supports the Local Strategic Partnership where we kick around the Local Area Agreement, the review of the Community Strategy. I spend some time with the LSP COorindator going through why I have convened a meeting of all the Chief Executives of the public service agencies and what I am trying to achieve by doing it. Back to the office to two bits of casework where I am trying to help a group set up an educational trust in record time so that they can receive a sizeable award. Time is running short and the money is at risk if the trust is not formed in time.

Unfortunately I miss folding friday which is a monthly HVA ritual where we fold and stuff the newsletter. This is a shame as the conversation with the team as we fold is usually entertaining (if not a little surreal at times). I make up for my being unable to help by sitting in the meeting room drinking a cup-a-soup talking away whilst watching other people fold the newsletter.

Our conversation covers a wide range of topics which ranged from a discussion of whether the low sex drive of pandas is contributing to their near extinction to Robert Falcon Scotts ill-fated 1912 Antartic expedition and (what really happened to Capt Oates!). For those HVA staff members who do not regularly attend folding friday you can only wonder of what conversational gems you are missing out on.

Our lyric today is from Colourblind by Counting Crows and see the original video by clocking on the link

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