Monday, 4 August 2008

Getting the message out...

There is usually a paralell between how busy I am and how often I get a chance to update the blog. My service to you, dear reader, has been shoddy of late because of the sheer volume of work I am tryiong to wade through at the moment. Highlights recently have included the HVA Board meeting, 2 audits, cover for the Health and Social Care Forum, the reprovisioning of a local day centre (where we have been trying to support VCS tendering) our own relocation proposals. And, of course the day to day round of e-mails faxes and conversations which try and keep the place ticking along in a coherent fashion. We were also trying to fit in a crazy gold challange with the Hastings Trust and an Old Town History Walk but they were victims of our general business and will have to be rescheduled.

I also volunteered to assess a Duke of Edinburgh expedition around the countryside near Jevington which took up much of Saturday and Sunday.

I have written an article about this blog which now features as part of NAVCA's (our national association) review of good practice. I have always thought about writing up the impact of this blog and some of the effect it could have. So if you are a visitor to this site as a result of reader CIRCULATION then a hearty welcome to you. We have also been meeting with the new providers of a Hate Crime Support Service (supporting victims rather than perpetrators of course). When they visitors one of them mentioned how much he enjoyed reading the blog. You will understand why they were promised our full cooperation and support. Apart from that Jill (HVAs depuity director) is in the midst of producing a BASIS bid to strengthen activity around financial advice and funding support. This build on some of our existing work but rolls out the model accross the whole of East Sussex. Consortium or partnership bids are often the most problematic as they require much discussion and the building of real consensus. For myself I am beginning to complete the business plan for our new building which is going to take some time. We have only recently received the drawings from our architects which will then allow us to see the kind of spaces we are looking at and the kinds of rent they might go for. We are trying to achieve a balance between viability and affordability so the margins will always be tight. This is one call we have to get right so worth putting some time into it.

I must close by mentioning an engagement I attended over the weekend which was the official opening of the History House in the Old Town. This new history centre has been developed almost entirely by voluntary effort under the umberella of the Old Town Preservation Society good to see a packed venue for its opening.

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