Monday, 12 May 2008

And all I really want is some justice

Lyric today is from Alanis Morrisette and the justice in question is an Employment Tribunal case involving one of HVAs members. It brings home just how vulnerable small organisations are when they are legally challanged. It costs over £2,500 to instruct a solicitor to prepare a case and represent at one of these hearings. Let alone the costs of an award made against a group which could threaten its very future. It is for this reason that very ocassionally I brush off some professional skills as an Employment Law practitioner and step into the advocacy role.

This one is a little hurried as I don't actually hear that we are going until I receive a panicked phone call the day before. As a consequence I don't see the full trial bundle until I get into the car to be driven over to the hearing itself. These days are always full and not without their unique stresses as there is a lot at stake. Seven witnesses later plus closing arguments and we a wait for a decision. This eventually comes and the case is decided in our favour which is a huge relief for the Trustees concerned who have been involved with this matter for a long time. The lunchtime also presents me with a copy of a PJ Harvey album for £2 as well. HVA derive no funding for this aspect of our service but it is one of those days when you feel you can make a difference. Certainly the implications and risks for the group were significant and it was the right thing to do in offering to represent them.

Apart from that I resolve that as my desk and I have been strangers for a good few days now I feel that I need to look through everything on my desk rather than just snatching up the most important items. Perhaps monday.

Here is Alanis with our lyric reference

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