Friday, 4 January 2008

Join the Elite

In between the Christmas cards and credit card bills I received a piece of post which caused enormous merriment in our household and might be worth sharing. It is from the people who produce Who's Who. I am informed that they are producing (believe it or not) a Who's Who of the UK Business Elite and my name is to feature "in recognition of business achievement and a contribution to the business community". I think what they have done is done a trawl via Companies House of all the Directors of companies who have a turnover of over £25m. As I am a Director of SEASPACE (the regeneration vehicle for the major capital regeneration programme in Hastings) this must be how my name occurs. So yours truly now takes his place alongside Richard Branson and the key business leaders of our nation. You can imaguine that within the Manwaring household this was the cause of much amusement and general piss-taking. Lyric today is from the very hard-core (and loud) Deftones

1 comment:

Rose Austen said...

I hope you take up the invitation (as long as it doesn't cost)and include a suitably subversive entry!