Thursday, 1 November 2007

maybe we should do an article in that there magazine

Not sure if Samuel Pepys ever found this but sometimes you are too busy doing things to write about them. Hence my blogging has been a little intermittent of late. A little flurry of activity as I request a discussion of the Executive Delivery Group to consider the recent Comprehensive Spending Review announcement and what it means for Hastings. I sense that some of the good stuff around community engagement will be left to wither on the fine as there is a general wringing of hands and blaming the Govt. This is to be expected but serves no useful purpose in the long run. So I spend some time thinking how best to marshall the arguments into a coherent paper and am well advised by James - who sits on the Community Network and Fran who coorindates the representation function within the CVS. A useful meeting and I touch base with James afterwards on a couple of Countywide Developments. I sense that at the meeting I may be in a minority of one - which is not an unknown experience for me - but we shall see. I also pen an article for the Borough's magazine as the work we have done with accrediting volunteering activity is beginning to receive attention. We now have over 70 volunteers on all aspects of the programme and we look set to exceed our outputs. Now onto the employer engagement at a forthcoming Let's Do Business exhibition. I am confident that withjin the next few weeks we will have our first volunteer making the transition into paid employment as a result of this project - so fingers crossed. A couple of the participants have interviews lined up.

Anyway it is now about 8.30 and time to finish for the day. Our lyric today comes from Lou Reed and here he is doing it with John Cale

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