Tuesday, 18 September 2007

I briefed the Sherrif (but I did not brief the Deputy)

Today we welcomed the Queens representative in East Sussex in the form of the High Sherrif who had been told about some of the work we have been doing with the asylum seeker/refugee communities and our broader community cohesion actiuvity. A visit and briefing was arranged and HVAs Community Cohesion worker Habibah, myself and Angela who has responsibility within Hastings Borough Council for cohesion work spoke at length about the issues raised. There are some pretty big questions here. What is the best way of making new communities feel welcomed? How should public services respond to specific needs which do not attract additional funding? and how can this all work in a context of high deprivation. An interesting discussion and I found the high sherrif to be well informed and had prepared extensively for the visit. Tomorrow looks like a day from hell as I found that I have four commitments all in different parts of East Sussex some of which will have to go by the wayside. A problem of high demand combined with limited capacity but we shall see.

And in case you need reminding just how good our lyric reference was just watch this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WO2T42clWs

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